How do solar panels work?

When sunlight strikes a solar cell, it dislodges electrons from atoms, creating an electric current. Connectors on the cell's positive and negative sides form an electrical circuit. This flow of electrons generates electricity. Solar panels consist of numerous cells, and you can connect multiple panels to create a solar array. The greater the number of panels you use, the more energy you can produce.

What are Solar Panels Made of?

PV solar panels are like puzzles made of tiny solar cells, enclosed in glass. These cells are made of silicon, a bit like computer chips. They have a positive part and a negative part that work together to make electricity, kind of like a battery. SunPower solar panels also have special adhesives and coatings to protect these cells and keep them working well even in different weather conditions.

How do solar systems work?

A photovoltaic (PV) solar system is comprised of solar panels, racks for placing the panels on your roof, electrical wiring and an inverter. From sunrise to sunset, the solar panels generate electricity (DC) which is sent to an inverter. The inverter converts the DC electricity into alternating current (AC), which is the type of electricity required for household use. The AC power is delivered directly to your home’s main electrical service panel for use by you and your family.

What is the difference between High and Medium Cosmetic Quality?

Cells with a high cosmetic quality have slight color variations on the front side. After laminating, the color of the solar cells has a dark appearance even with a black background. Cells with a moderate cosmetic quality have some color variations on the front side. After laminating, the color variations on the cells became less obvious but are often still visible when inspected from short distances.