How do SunPower Performance panels help businesses minimise up-front project costs?

SunPower Performance panels are designed to provide better performance and reliability than conventional panels. This means businesses can achieve their energy goals with fewer panels, leading to reduced installation costs. Additionally, the advanced technology and design features of these panels ensure maximum energy output, offering better value for the investment.

What should I do in an emergency?

Should there be a fire, explosion, gas leak, system damage, or fuel spill around your system’s components, call your local emergency services. If the emergency requires you to seek safety immediately, do so first and then alert emergency personnel that you have a solar system so they can shut it down, if necessary. For assistance restarting your system after an emergency, please contact your Installer.

What is the typical performance advantage gained from using SunPower Maxeon panels?

A SunPower Maxeon solar panel delivers up to 25% more energy than a Conventional Panel in its first year of operation. In year 25, the difference would grow to about 35% more energy, for an average of 30% more energy during the first 25 years. SunPower Maxeon solar panels are predicted to have a useful life of more than 40 years.

How long does charging take?

This will depend on your panel wattage, your battery watt-hour (Wh) capacity (a measurement of storage capacity) and the weather. A 150 Wh battery will charge faster than a 500 Wh battery because the 500 Wh battery has more storage capacity, therefore requiring more time to fully charge. In addition, a 100-watt panel will charge a battery faster than a 50-watt panel exposed to the same amount of sunlight.

Charging time will be affected by weather, shade, time-of-day, age and use of battery, efficiency of the charge controller, placement of the solar panels, and other operational factors. Be sure to look on your solar-compatible battery for an estimate of charging times as well as panel-wattage compatibility, and always check the charging characteristics of the battery to ensure it’s compatible with the wattage of the panel.

For higher battery capacity (greater than 150 Wh) we recommend using a 100-watt panel. Before doing this, however, please ensure that the battery you are charging is compatible with this wattage and use a compatible charge controller.

How do SunPower Performance solar panels ensure better performance and reliability compared to conventional panels?

SunPower Performance solar panels combine conventional cells with SunPower's 39 years of materials and manufacturing expertise. This results in panels that surpass the performance, reliability, and aesthetics of conventional panels. The innovative shingled cell design, conductive adhesives developed for aerospace, and proprietary encapsulants all contribute to enhanced reliability and performance.

What happens during power outages?

Your system will automatically shut down. Safety requirements prohibit the system from producing electricity during a power outage or blackout, because there is a chance that the system could feed electricity into the electric grid while utility workers are accessing the grid. The system will restart automatically when power is restored.

How do Solar Panels Generate Electricity?

PV solar panels produce direct current (DC) electricity, where electrons flow in a single direction, like a battery powering a light bulb. In contrast, alternating current (AC) electricity alternates the electron flow, similar to a car engine's movement. AC electricity is generated by spinning a coil of wire near a magnet, powered by various energy sources like gas, hydro, nuclear, coal, wind, or solar.

How much energy do solar panels produce?

The amount of energy produced by solar panels depends on several factors, including the size and efficiency of the panels, the amount of sunlight they receive, and their orientation and location. On average, a 1-kilowatt (kW) solar panel system can generate approximately 1,600 to 2,500 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per year in a location with good sunlight.

Are solar panels worth it?

Solar panels can be a worthwhile investment, especially in regions with abundant sunlight and favorable incentives. They offer numerous benefits, including cost savings on electricity bills, reduced environmental impact, and potential increases in property value. Solar panels typically pay for themselves over time through energy savings and potential government incentives, making them an attractive option for many homeowners and businesses interested in sustainable energy solutions and long-term financial benefits. The return on investment, however depends on factors like your energy consumption, location, available incentives, and long-term goals. That's why we recommend to conduct a thorough evaluation and consult with one of our solar professionals to determine the specific economic and environmental advantages for your situation.