Industry insights

Leading the transition to solar energy

We are main characters of ‘Solar Decade’: with the need for renewable and clean energy continues to grow rapidly also the need of quality.

As more people seek alternative energy sources, the need for quality renewable energy continues to grow rapidly. Growing interest is also being driven by a greater awareness of the environmental and economic benefits of converting sunlight to energy to power homes. As a result, industry insiders are calling the next 10 years the ‘Solar Decade’.


Growing demand for solar

In Europe, 2021 was the best year ever for solar energy1 Walburga Hemetzberger, ”2021 was a record-breaking year for European solar, now we must increase ambition”, PV Magazine,, (accessed July 2022) , surpassing the installation record of 2011. In the US, the same year, solar accounted for 46% of all new electricity-generating capacity added2 Solar Energy Industries Association, “Solar Market Insight Report 2021 Year in Review." , (accessed July 2022). . As standalone statistics, these figures are encouraging, particularly since solar is relatively new compared to other forms of energy.

As recently as 40 years ago, solar cells were only being used on satellites. Fast-forward to now, inventors have been advancing solar technology for commercial and private use, and improvements in efficiency, reliability, durability, and aesthetics keep coming.


Advances in solar technology and efficiency

Modern solar panels are converting more and more of the energy from the sun into electricity for homes compared to their early counterparts. The good news for consumers is that the more energy a single panel converts, the fewer rooftop panels a home will need.

Of course, how much power output a home needs depends on many factors, including how much electricity a homeowner uses and how much of their home they want solar panels to power. But one thing is sure: advances in solar technology mean greater solar panel performance and maximum power output.


We are main characters of ‘Solar Decade’: with the need for renewable and clean energy continues to grow rapidly also the need of quality.


Strong track record of solar innovation

Maxeon’s SunPower branded panel technology has been setting records in solar innovation since 1985. Our company was founded by innovators whose engineering challenge was to figure out how to make solar cells more cost-effective.

So began a quest that, almost 40 years later, has resulted in best-in-class technology and smart energy solutions for residential, commercial, customers who benefit from the longest warranty in the solar industry.

As a leader in sustainability, Maxeon invests more in R&D than any other solar company, engineering panels unmatched in efficiency and reliability that are rigorously tested in real-world conditions.


Maxeon Solar Technologies is built upon 35 years of boundary-pushing solar DNA

Maxeon Solar Technologies is built upon 35 years of boundary-pushing solar DNA. The company was launched as an independent company in 2020 after a spin-off from US-based SunPower Corporation based in the US. It designs, manufactures and sells industry-leading solar products in more than 100 countries.


Powering the transition to solar energy

Built from 35 years of boundary-pushing solar DNA, Maxeon’s products and solar solutions span the globe, thanks to our trusted network of more than 1,700 partners and distributors. And as pioneers in sustainable solar manufacturing, we have enabled more than one million customers to positively impact the world by transitioning to solar energy.

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