How much do SunPower Maxeon panels cost?

With solar, as with many things, “you get what you pay for.” Not all solar systems are alike. The quality of the technology matters in the long run. The durability, reliability and efficiency of solar panels can vary widely by manufacturer. If you settle for Conventional Panels that might cost less out-of-pocket, you can expect to see average (or below average) results and less savings over time.

A higher quality panel like SunPower Maxeon might cost a little more up front, but you will see more predictable performance in the long run. SunPower Maxeon panels generate more energy, last longer, are backed by a stronger warranty, and are produced more sustainably than Conventional Panels. This means SunPower Maxeon panels will offset more of your electricity bill, saving you more, and do so with the peace of mind you expect from a top-quality product.

What is the typical performance advantage gained from using SunPower Maxeon panels?

A SunPower Maxeon solar panel can provide up to 85% more energy over its lifetime  compared to other panels. It has a strong power output advantage from day one and maintains that power advantage over time with a .2% annual degradation rate. With its industry-leading 40-year warranty, this panel will grow in value over time.

How do SunPower Maxeon solar panels differ from Conventional Panels?

SunPower Maxeon panels also deliver greater peace of mind, having earned the trust of experts by being more reliable and durable - and backed by our industry-leading Complete Confidence Warranty. Not only is this warranty stronger, but unlike most conventional warranties, it is based on actual field-testing data. For example, the power warranty promises no more than a 0.25%/ year power drop. This is backed by a study of more than 230MW across 149 actual global sites using a methodology developed in collaboration with NREL. We also know from actual field data that only 0.005% or 1 in 20,000 SunPower Maxeon panels have been returned under warranty4 .Lastly, SunPower Maxeon panels are built with our customers in mind, which means higher sustainability standards and more elegant design aesthetics than Conventional Panels. SunPower Maxeon panels have pioneered sustainability efforts in solar manufacturing, and have been recognized with the prestigious Cradle to Cradle Certified™ designation for direct current (DC) panels. The Cradle to Cradle designation demonstrates the products' quality based on rankings of material health, material reutilization, renewable energy use, water stewardship, and social fairness.

SunPower Maxeon panels were also the first solar panel to disclose its ingredients through the Declare label. In March 2020, our Mexicali, Mexico manufacturing facility was re-certified by NSF Sustainability as Zero Waste to Landfill – and remains the only solar panel manufacturing facility to achieve this. The certification means that this facility diverts more than 99% of its waste, with 1% or less going to landfills.

The back-contact cell design of SunPower Maxeon panels also delivers an uncluttered and elegant design aesthetic – with panels available in black and white backsheets. This has made SunPower Maxeon panels the panel of choice for architects and designers.

Can I run my entire house on solar power?

You can power your entire house using solar energy. By installing solar panels, you can generate electricity from sunlight and run your home's appliances, lighting, and other electrical systems. An inverter converts the solar-generated electricity into a usable form, and batteries can store excess energy for use during cloudy days or at night. Factors like your energy consumption, the size of the solar system, available sunlight, and location are all important. Our professional installers will help you determine the right setup for your needs.

How many solar panels would I need to run my home?

A typical home needs between 17 and 21 solar panels to cover 100 percent of its electricity usage. The number of panels you'll need to install depends on your geographic location, panel efficiency, panel-rated power, and personal energy consumption habits. While the answer isn't always simple, we've put together some example cases to help you understand how many solar panels you might need to install an effective home solar system.

What solar products do I need for my house?

A solar energy system typically comprises components such as solar panels, an inverter, batteries (if desired), and a grid connection (where relevant). Our installer partners will meet with you to design your system based on your needs and wishes.

How long will a solar system last?

With our Maxeon solar panels we offer the longest warrany in the industry: 40 years. And that covers both the product and the performance, which is not the case for all the other standard panel warranties. That’s because we know that our technology is designed to last even more than 40 years. Our Performance value line are backed by a 25-year Warranty. . Regular maintenance, environmental conditions, usage patterns, and technological advancements can influence their lifespan.